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Showing posts from August, 2021

Science, Arts and Commercial, Which of these departments of study is IMPORTANT to the world.

Science, Arts and Commercial, Which of these departments of study is IMPORTANT to the world.   If you have ever taken part in most of the arguments that go on in secondary school (high school), you would surely bump on this never settled argument that mainly occur between the Science and the Arts and it is all together a stupid and useless argument, yeah! I know some of you may not agree with me, you can never win an argument without looking from the point of view of your opponent. This argument is not just a secondary school (high school) argument, it is debated amongst opponents in universities and in the society at large, the main opponents are the Science and the Arts, maybe the business men are busy focusing on how to make money instead of wasting time on a frivolous argument, I would tell you why this argument is frivolous.   I used to be on the science side of this argument (as I am a science student myself), until I noticed this argument only created rivalry, hatred and n