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Science, Arts and Commercial, Which of these departments of study is IMPORTANT to the world.

Science, Arts and Commercial, Which of these departments of study is IMPORTANT to the world.


If you have ever taken part in most of the arguments that go on in secondary school (high school), you would surely bump on this never settled argument that mainly occur between the Science and the Arts and it is all together a stupid and useless argument, yeah! I know some of you may not agree with me, you can never win an argument without looking from the point of view of your opponent. This argument is not just a secondary school (high school) argument, it is debated amongst opponents in universities and in the society at large, the main opponents are the Science and the Arts, maybe the business men are busy focusing on how to make money instead of wasting time on a frivolous argument, I would tell you why this argument is frivolous.


I used to be on the science side of this argument (as I am a science student myself), until I noticed this argument only created rivalry, hatred and no solution, I withdrew from it and with my mind now free from this noise, I was able to see the situation more clearly and weigh both sides of this argument from an unbiased stand point.


From the Arts point of view

The major reason that makes the students and professionals in the Arts department of study to claim that they are the most important and best study department in the world and why they are better than the sciences is because of the English language, they believe they are good English speakers and claim they know and follow all the rules in that language and they believe they are good writers and better thinkers than the science.

I heard one absurd thing in an argument that professionals from the Arts department of study write scientific papers for scientists after a scientific inquiry, conclusion or research, now this exaggerates the whole thing and it is not true, scientist write their own papers themselves and as you should know, you can’t write what you don’t know unless you copied it.


From the scientific point of view

Most members of the science department of study believe they are the number one important study department because of how the scientific field with its various fruits such as technology has greatly influenced the human environmental development, help to expand civilizations and made and still makes man’s life easier, adding to this they also prove the importance of science to other departments of study by showing how science has greatly improved activities and affairs that take place in the Arts and Business studies (commercial) like various citations of how the business field has greatly improved by science through the provisions of technologies like the computer, internet, stationery, cryptocurrencies and so on and how the affairs concerning the Arts department have been improved in so many ways like the provision of material and tools meant to allow artists express their ideas better, the availability of digital platforms that expands everybody’s workspace and provides new functions and features that enable one to do work easier and more efficient, all this are one of the many examples that the members of the science department use as points when debating the fact that the science department is more important to the world.


My Point of View

The answer to this silly argument is very simple to get just try not to be biased in your judgment and not to be among the power seeking folk.

We all know science as greatly improved the world in medicine, transports, communication, electricity and anywhere we can think of, the Arts are greatly responsible for our judicial systems, languages, entertainment and the Art itself and the commercial department has greatly improved the business field, the field of commerce, the market place, showing us new businesses to invest in and those we shouldn’t, telling us better ways to make money, when to take a loan and when we shouldn’t, all of this are important to us in our lives, we can’t deny that but imagine a situation where everyone troops to the science department of study to study the sciences, no one in the Arts and commercials, imagine what would happen to the world in such a one-sided situation where everybody are scientists and there are no lawyers, no bankers, no poets, no business men, no government and no businesses, who would use your inventions?, the same goes to all other study departments.


My point is that all departments of study are meant to work together peacefully, simultaneously and harmoniously for the proper functioning of the society and that is how it has always been until some people started this disastrous argument.


For the society in a global scale to function and work properly, all study departments both the Sciences, the Arts and the Commercials are to be considered important when they work harmoniously together, only then can a human society grow and live peacefully, when there is balance. No society can work properly when one of these departments are considered more important that the rest. They are all important.




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