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What is Garri?

 Hello there!, this is another session here on Let's Talk and today like I promised, I am going to present the full description of what Garri is, for those of us in Africa we consume this food most of the time but we can't give a well detailed description of what it is, well if you are reading this, make sure you read it till the end because from then on you shall know what Garri is. What is Garri? What is the English Description For Garri? Garri, in large basins a sold by retailers in minimal amounts to consumers. Garri can be white or Yellow, It becomes yellow when it is fried with palm oil, white is the colour when it is fried without palm oil             This question has being a trouble for those people trying to find an english name for the food Garri, in this post i give a well detailed explanation on the description of Garri and suggestions to what the english name of Garri could be. What is Garri? Garri is a food commonly consumed in West Africa, it is a creamy granula

Is Drinking Garri A Poor Man's Food?

 Is Drinking Garri A Poor Man's Food? Well this is a very interesting and at the same time a funny question, which still is very important that it has to be brought into consideration. In Nigeria, when a man drinks garri, the notion majority of the society would carry will be that the man does not have enough money to eat something better, the person might be seen as a poor person. Drinking Garri is not even considered as a food, not even a snack, it is mainly seen by some as a food of poverty, eaten by only poor people, but even among the people of this Nigerian society who put this "Drinking Garri" on a mockery podium, there are those who love to drink garri, even when they can afford the normal three square meals or even more than that, they still would drink garri. Now the question is; Is drinking Garri bad?, is it a food for only poor people? What is Garri? Ok! Describing garri is sometimes very difficult for us, we do not know how to actually describe it, that is wh